A review by lizabethstucker
The Princess Beard by Kevin Hearne, Delilah S. Dawson


When Lady Harkovrita woke from an enchanted coma, she was shocked to find her nails were long, yellow, and twisty on both her hands and her feet. Her braided hair was long enough to make Rapunzel jealous. Then there was the full beard on her face. She decides she will flee her tower bedroom, preferring to go exploring over being forced into marriage as was planned before her unscheduled sleep. Oh, and she'll keep the beard for the present. It's a good disguise.

Vic struggles to be a stronger centaur in more than muscles, but his nerves constantly betray him. Tempest, a dryad, has one dream since breaking free from slavery, to be a lawyer specializing in human law. Elf Alobartalus has never fit in with other elves in looks or talents, but he doesn't really regret his exile to Proudwood Lighthouse among the humans, even if his secret dream is to visit the Sn'archivist and all his many books someday.

Outsiders all, our foine cast of characters wind up banding together with others who are also searching for happiness and acceptance. There are adventures galore when they join up with pirates on the Puffy Peach, learning how to be the heroes hidden deep inside.

This is ridiculously funny and snarky, a wonderful light read that is perfect for the dark, cold winter months. Think THE PIRATE BRIDE or SHREK! on crack. Honestly, if there had been more female members in Monty Python, this could've been one of their films. Don't forget to check out the map for some punny place names. 4.5 out of 5.