A review by becsa
Because of You by Laura Ward


Ricky Martinez has a monster growing inside of him due to all the rage he feels after having to give up all of his own dreams in order to support his family with the injury to his dad 18 years ago then left him a quadriplegic. His family is in financial trouble and he continues to wrks as hard as he can in order for his sisters to continue their own education.

All Ricky wants is revenge on the girl who his father saved and left his life shattered.

Aveline Gerard is 22 and eighteen years ago was involved in an accident that shaped her life. Her parents have closely guarded her but now she is attending college and has a little bit of freedom.

When Ricky realizes who Aveline is he gains her trust in order to put his plan into motion of revenge for his family and financial help to get them out of the trouble they are in.

But as Ricky learns more about Aveline will he be able to go through with it and what happens if Ricky's plans are foiled?

This was such a good book and I have loved this series!

Ricky's life has been so different from the others to a certain extent. His family is so devoted to one another and each of them are willing to give up their own dreams to help out which was so incredible! Yet Ricky is also bitter because of what he has had to give up because of the accident and how his family lives the way they do because of a selfless act.

Aveline was so interesting and as we learn more about her things begin to fall into place. She had such a sheltered life and I don't think her parents were aware of everything going on due to their own conditions.

I loved how Ricky and Aveline began to get close but when Ricky saw the person that Aveline truly was he realized what he was doing. I understood why Aveline's mom was concerned and I wondered how everything was going to explode and I was not disappointed!

My heart did break towards the end when Ricky talked to Dean's dad about the job and I knew how desperate he was.

I was shocked at the reason Aveline's parents did what they did and I could understand why even though it was so sad!!

The ending was so good and I loved how everything worked out!!

I don't want this series to end!