A review by meganwintrip
Stop judging and Overcome Your Fear of being judged: A Guide on how to stop judging others, conquer our fears of judgment and live our best lives by Sophia Kaankuka


I can relate to many parts of this book, especially the part about having children. My husband and I got married almost 4 years ago and when we came back from our honeymoon which was just 4 days after we got married we were asked "when are you having children". This really hurt because I was mentally ill quite badly at the time and my physical health wasn't great, I didn't want to bring a baby into the world when I wasn't well enough to look after them. We waited for the right time and nobody would listen to why we didn't have a baby yet, they just assumed and judged us saying "maybe they can't have kids", "she probably can't get pregnant", "if they don't have one now they never will". People can be cruel they don't want to hear the reasoning they just judge from the outside not knowing the inside.

The book tells us to stop being critical to others, to stop being perfect, to stop noting down your flaws or other individual's flaws, to stop seeking approval, to stop jealousy as jealousy is really unhealthy and can be bitter. The book tells us to start showing empathy towards others, the start listening, to start accepting who you are, who other people are and to allow yourself to heal. We all have imperfections every one of us do, but some of us choose not to show them so we seem perfect. Nobody is perfect. I think this book is very enlightening and people will enjoy it as you can tell Sophia really wants to help everyone become a better person and give you a psychological insight into judgment.

The book also shows you reasons why people judge and you may not realise you are judging someone by what you are saying. We all talk about educating ourselfs about sexuality, pronouns people want to be referred to etc but maybe it's time we all educated ourselves about judgment as it can really hurt someone, believe me I know this. I've been judged for not working, I've been judged for not having a baby straight after getting married.

Overall I think everyone should read this book and become more educated on the situations that we go through.