A review by desertdreamsanddarkthemes
Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink, Jeffrey Cranor


You have to be careful with this book; it isn't what it appears especially in the first hundred pages.

I've seen reviewers comment that they did not finish this book - having only gotten to around the 170-page mark before putting the book down. Putting this book down before the half-way point is a mistake. The quirky and humorous writing does wear down on the reader rather quickly and the book becomes monotonous, but pushing through to the end offers a surprising reward.

The reward is understanding. Once you reach a certain point, everything falls into place and you reach a point of clarity. Every town is Night Vale; there may be no murderous librarians or invisible pie or mysterious flamingos, but every town has Jackies and Dianes and Joshs and Troys and monsters that come in human form. When you look at each quirk as a metaphor for something in the physical world, you realize that this book is more real than you realized.