A review by fbryant
Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs


5 stars for the plot
-1 for killing off the character with my name
+ -1 for the "romance" between Emma and Jacob
3 stars

WHY is the relationship between Jacob and Emma a part of the series!? I have asked every person in my life and they cannot provide me with an answer, save for "why are you reading it if you hate it?"

Here are my multiple reasons as to why the mess that is Emma and Jacob's relationship is ruining the book series for me.
- Emma is only dating Jacob because she was in love with Abe. Both characters have admitted it and are conscious of it. Just because Ransom Riggs wrote Ms. Peregrine to say Emma was actually in love with Jacob doesn't make it less creepy.
- They have no chemistry. They have literally put their foreheads together and kissed and they are "just so in love." And they can't change clothes comfortably in the same room. They talk about how they would abandon their entire mission if one of them died, which does not sound good for the sake of peculiardom. That also tells you that Ransom Riggs will carry this awful relationship through out the the next 3 books.
- They are the predictable, everything is perfect, couple that you know are going to stay together forever. And that's not a good thing in this instance. Their relationship is too predictable and cringey. Not to mention that Emma is Jacob's first partner.
- Jacob is very unlikable. He gives me Miles from "Looking for Alaska" vibes, where he is uninteresting and doesn't know what to do with his life. Both Alaska Young and Emma are very strong female characters that are paired with boring men. I also felt like Emma's powers and courage were downplayed and portrayed as a nuisance when Jacob was also in the room. Jacob was given a chance to shine AND a love interest, but Emma's character didn't get that chance to shine (for example, her power was used to heal Jacob and be a side-kick to Jacob, when he was always in the front and center and never helped her).

I hope my rant was helpful and enjoyable. This is why I signed up for Goodreads.