A review by davidgilani
AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee


Lots of interesting insights in this book from the perspective of a Chinese entrepreneur - main problem with the book is that this is an area that is moving SO fast, that it feels already quite out of date after just a few years... still... loads of interesting stuff, so worth a read in my opinion.

I found it really interesting the points made in the book about the difference between US and Chinese enterprise culture - with the Chinese culture apparently being a lot more cut-throat. Less about pursuing a dream and more just about making money for the sake of it. How this culture is influenced by the state and how the Chinese state is doing a huge amount to make internet start-ups appear safe to investors and workers.

It pointed out all the right stuff about key things like the alignment problem (although not nearly in enough detail in this book), jobs at risk through automation, and the loss of meaning / utility in an age of AI.