A review by mollybonovskyanderson
The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce


I read these books as a young teenager, and for some reason, they had enough of an impact on me that I tried to read them again as an adult, didn't succeed the first time, then tried just now to read them a third time. I made it all the way through the first two books but found myself mired down by a too-long ending in the last third of the third. I can't honestly say I finished it as I skimmed the last 20 pages or so. It just dragged on too much. That said, I think I will always enjoy the plot and characters, and the beautiful images the author evokes in her writing, which, when not bogged down with extensive lore and drawn-out descriptions, can be quite lovely.
I very much enjoyed the relationship between Aeriel and her "shadow," Erin, and the complex dynamic between Aeriel and Irrylath.
Science fiction is so hit-and-miss with me. That might be why I kept coming back to this series. There's something about it I have always loved.