A review by dollycas
Monument to the Dead by Sheila Connolly


The fourth book in the Museum Mystery series has FBI Agent James Morrison asking Nell for some help. Some local members of the cultural community have been dying of “natural causes,” but with the recent death of Adeline Harrison James has started to see a pattern that makes him believe the causes were definitely not “natural” . So with James’ blessing she starts to pull clues together and finds even more deaths for him to add to his list. Someone is killing elderly philanthropists, but who and why? If she can figure out the motive, hopefully it will lead her to the killer before another benefactor finds themselves gone before their time.

Dollycas’s Thoughts
Sheila Connolly has topped herself with this one. This is one of the best stories I have read this year.

The tables being turned so Nell is asked to investigate is pure genius! James asking for her help and then working with her, Marty, and Shelby to find enough evidence to open an FBI case made this a book I could not put down. It is a very complex mystery and the characters even had to use spreadsheets to help figure it out but I found myself immersed right into the story following each little tidbit as everything started to come together.

In addition to a wonderful mystery, Connolly has away of educating readers in a fun and entertaining way. This time it was a behind the scenes of the boards and benefactors of a historical museum. I was amazed at the snippets of information staff collects to match the right person to the right project and how much is gleaned from conversations at fundraisers. There were also a pieces of Philadelphia’s little known history wrapped into this mystery. Very interesting.

Watch for this one to hit my Best of 2013 list! Kudos Sheila!!!