A review by karen_the_baroness
Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold


In Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold, we celebrate Sara and Sean's wedding. 

Who killed Darlene? What is in the icing? 

Sara and Sean 
Sara Cain can't wait to begin her new life as Sara Cain-McKinley. Except that might have to wait as it's minutes before she's about to walk down the aisle when Darlene, the baker, comes to her suite with a knife in the back. Sara reluctantly pauses her wedding to figure out what happened to Darlene Day. I have to say that I liked Sara even more in this book as she has to get used to doing things without a badge. Another thing that I liked is how she was able to solve the case faster than the guy she called in. 

Much like Sara, Sean McKinley can't wait to get married but wants the case solved mostly because everyone at their wedding is a suspect, including them. He can look at the case levelheaded, unlike Sara, but not by much. Sean is a great detective, even without a badge, and is able to rifle through clues they find that help them find the culprit. 

I have to say that I liked seeing the two of them working together without their badges, as it was great to see. Especially with Magnum in tow with them. 

The Mystery
We have several mysteries to weed through this time. The first is who could have killed Darlene and why? Could it be that she didn't want to sell her bakery to them, or did she hurt someone else in the past that they never thought of? It could have been multiple reasons why, especially some of the villagers who wanted change but not her. The second mystery is what is wrong with the icing, and could it be that Darlene wasn't the intended victim but Sara and Sean themselves? Then there is the third mystery of what happened with some of their security detail for their wedding. 

I have to say, even with all of these mysteries, I could follow along quite well, and I figured it out. Granted, I figured out the main one but not so much the other. Let's hope Sara and Sean can have a lovely honeymoon without finding a dead body. 

Five Stars 
I am giving five stars to Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold, and I'm recommending it as well. Ms. Arnold has a great series, and I love these two characters. Sara and Sean are a great team as detectives and lovers. I hope that they get a bit of a married life before finding any more dead bodies, except I think that these two actually like being able to solve mysteries despite not being police detectives anymore and running at least some of their thirty-three companies. 

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. 

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Wedding Bells Brew Murder by Carolyn Arnold

Until the next time, 
Karen the Baroness 

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