A review by lotterose95
The Vampire Chronicles Collection: Interview with the Vampire, the Vampire Lestat, the Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice


Rating: 2.5-3
At last I have finished!
These three books took a lot longer to finish than I thought they would.
I was originally drawn in because I love the Interview with the Vampire film and had a few people rave about the books. Maybe it was over hyped so my expectation were too high.
I struggled to rate this chronicle collection because some parts I enjoyed and others I absolutely hated and almost gave up on reading.
All three books are tedious to read and slow to progress, with sections that added -what I believe-nothing to the story. Constant run on sentences, sentences that went on for entire paragraphs, and parts that sounded like Yoda had written it! Maybe it’s just not my preferred style of writing as other people seem to enjoy it.

As it was the last one I read I’ll talk about Queen of the Damned. Definitely my least favourite. I felt it was a whole bunch of nothing until the very end where it tried to fit in what could have been an entire other book. So many repetitions of information that were completely unnecessary, only adding to the tediousness of the story, I think we understand Khayman was the royal steward you don’t need to tell us 50 times in the chapter. The whole Baby Jenks chapter? I can’t even describe how much I hated that, I was so so close to giving up on reading it but I’ve only ever given up on a book once and that was when I was 12.
There were points where the writing just got lazy. “The eyes were really brown.” Wow great description. “She like to flew up the stairs.” That doesn’t even make sense!

I guess from the rave reviews this series has some people that really enjoyed them. I suppose they just weren’t my type of books