A review by wildfaeriecaps
The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu


I did not expect to like this book. It's not exactly my standard fare. By the second chapter I was completely hooked. Wow. I cannot wait to devour the rest of this series. I won't lie, there were places where I was reluctant to keep reading. "This is standard spy movie stuff, I don't wanna!" my brain screamed. And it was, but.. it also wasn't. Roen is so.. human. He's a great character. His relationship with Tao is delightful and believable (I mean, the way they talk to each other. Not.. er.. spoilers, maybe..). I loved all the characters and felt like they were very well fleshed out. Okay, maybe not Antonio. He felt like a prop, but I was mostly fine with that.

Anyway! I suck at reviewing books. Here's my main takeaway from this: It was really good. Amazing. Excellent. It's on my list of books to recommend to people! And I look forward to reading more by Wesley Chu.