A review by kathryn08
Hello From the Gillespies by Monica McInerney


I don’t think I’ve read a Monica McInerney that I haven’t enjoyed - they are easy reads, that keep the story flowing easily. Having said that, this was not as good as the last one I read of hers - [b:The House of Memories|15780550|The House of Memories|Monica McInerney|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1343811284s/15780550.jpg|21495788] - and I am in two minds about it.

On the one hand, I liked the premise of the story, and the twist that happened about half way through. I also liked the setting - mostly on a rural South Australia station that used to run sheep but is now experiencing a bit of a slump, partly due to the drought and partly due to other factors. What I felt didn’t really ring true was some of the characters. I know I’ve read a couple of other reviews along these lines and have to agree that the supposedly grown-up children in the story generally seem quite immature. They’ve all moved back into the family home, which is fine, but the youngest, Lindy, who is about 28 years old, seems terribly needy, always seeking approval from her parents for the littlest thing, and I admit she rather got on my nerves. The others, twins, just over 30 years old, were a little better, but they had their moments as well, often seeming to be depending on their mother to wait on them hand and foot. I found it unlikely that 3 young women who had lived out of home would be quite so dependent on their parents if they moved back home.

Things improved half way through, when the three girls were obliged to step up and pitch in more than they had been previously, but there was still some very immature behaviour that just made the characters seem less believable, in my opinion.

Still, it was a fun read and I will happily read the next Monica McInerney published! 3.5 stars for this one.