A review by adamgolden
An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness by Kay Redfield Jamison


For the most part, Jamison's biographical account of her manic depressive illness is an informative, eye opening read about just how common and debilitating it can actually be. While the severity of the illness, as with most disorders, vary from person to person, there will always be cases where it can be essentially uncontrollable without the use of some sort of medication. Jamison unfortunately is one of those people, explaining in detail her struggles through her youth and adult life, on medication and off of it. Regardless of how being a manic depressive crippled her psyche, Jamison proves time and time again that it can be somewhat manageable if treated right, and with careful guidance. While I enjoyed these aspects of the book and understand that this is also a biography, her life story (i.e. relationships, traveling, hobbies) were just not as interesting and integral to the central themes of the book for me. However, still an interesting glimpse into the mind of someone suffering from a manic depressive disorder that also happens to be very well educated about the illness herself.