A review by elspethm
Remember Love by Mary Balogh


I enjoyed Balogh's "Slightly.." series so I was looking forward to reading this book to see if I would like it as well. I enjoyed the characters, but the pacing of the book was a bit odd. There was "insta-love", as they call it, between Gwyneth and Devlin, then his father screws up and Devlin is banished from the family. Six years later he comes back as the Earl and has to deal with the fallout of his and his father's actions and what has become of his family. Ultimately there was a HEA, but it wasn't as well described or plotted out or handled as I felt like the "Slightly..." series was. It was more about the word versus the feeling of "love" and also dealing with PTSD from war as well as the family drama. I'm not as compelled to complete the series as I was with the previous one I read, but I did enjoy a lot of the characters and if I find the time might check out what happens with Ben, in particular and maybe Stephanie and Pippa.

I read this as an ARC on NetGalley and am providing an honest review.