A review by bandherbooks
Leona: The Die Is Cast: A Leona Lindberg Thriller by Jenny Rogneby


I've been reading a lot of romance lately and needed a genre break, so picked this one up based of a Shelf Awareness recommendation.

I don't want to give much away, but it is a Nordic Noir in the vein of Stieg Larrsson and Jo Nesbo, but written by a female and featuring a female lead which is refreshing.

Leona is a complicated main character with an intriguing voice. She is not sentimental or emotional, and the reader is given hints into her difficult childhood. I enjoyed being in Leona's brain for the majority of the story as she investigates a bank robbery pulled off by a naked, bloody seven-year old girl.

The writing style was a bit cold, for lack of a better word, and I'm not sure if this is due to translation or just what the author was going for. Not usually my preference but it worked for this book.

I'll definitely be reading the next books in the series because DAMN that ending.