A review by bibliotequeish
Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak by Adi Alsaid


I want to preface this review by saying I loved the authors writing style.
Often times characters try to be funny, and fail miserably. (it's tough to be funny on paper) but some of the one liners from the protagonist Lu actually made me laugh.

I really liked the flow of the story, but it was the story itself that did not grab me.

Love columnist Lu's boyfriend breaks up with her before leaving for college, she hears another couple breaking up for the same reason and decides to use them as her muses for her next article, also using it to find out why her own relationship failed.

While this was not the book for me, as I said I really enjoyed Adi's writing style and will definitely look into some other books he has written.
I loved the way the characters personalities unfolded.
While I may not have cared about the story, I did care about the characters. Which in my opinion is a testament to the authors writing abilities.