A review by mary00
Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross


3 1/2 stars. I really enjoyed this book and found it to be an intriguing read. However, the jumps in perspective feel a bit awkward at times, and the storyline itself feels a bit disjointed - especially during the latter half of the book. That being said, I actually enjoyed the second section of the book more than the first. The focus on Joan's life disguised as a man and her rise through the Catholic church ranks is a much more engaging story, in my opinion, than the fabricated tale of her coming of age years. The love story within the story was not very believable or captivating, in my opinion. To me, it felt as though it were the weakest part of the story.
When I read this, especially during the first half, I kept thinking that it felt like it was written to be made into a movie. I am not surprised to see that it has now indeed been made into a movie.