A review by oreosislife
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell


“You have to pretend that you get an endgame. You have to carry on like you will; otherwise, you can’t carry on at all.”

I started reading this book because of the fact that everyone was calling it similar to Harry Potter but much more gayer. Harry Potter was my first love to be honest. I'm not going to say that I am unaware of the controversies realated to that series but if you look at HP from an almost teenager's (12 year old's) pov, you'll see that it was mind blowing. So maybe because of my love for HP I couldn't help myself by comparing each and every character from this book with their HP equivalent. I am making it very clear that I'm not saying Carry on is totally similar to HP. All I'm saying is that "I" found the "characters" very similar because of the mentality with which I went into reading this book. But I don't want this to be a long review so I'll keep the comparison part under the spoilers. And yes- I was never a Drarry shipper so Simon and Baz's relationship was something very new and refreshing for me.

Spoiler So let's start with Simon- Since Simon was the main lead and The Chosen One , there was no doubt about who's character he was comparable to-yes of course Harry.

Then we have Penelope. I feel like her character was based on a mixture of Ron and Hermione's character. For example compare Ron and Penny's family (i.e. compare the Bruce's and the Weasley's) and they had their signature red hair too. But was also brave, smart and intelligent like Hermione. Maybe you can say that her personality was based on 20:80 ratio (Ron: Hermione).(What the fuck am I even doing. Don't mind that ratio part I am just stupid).

Agatha gave major Neville Longbottom vibes. Like she was the scared but not a coward type of person.I know she ran away during that last moment, but if I were at her place I would have too tbh. I'm not that brave (but Pottermore still placed me in Griffyndor Idk why). The point is some sane people do want to protect their lives.

I don't why but I felt like Ebb had her character very comparable to Hagrid but her emotional level was comparable to Professor Trelawney.

And of course our Mage was very very similar to Albus Dumbledore (but a villainous Dumbledore xD).

She falls asleep in the middle of telling me about a song she’s heard, a song she thinks will be a spell someday, though I can’t think of any use for “Call me maybe.”

I really loved how this book was written.The frequent use of brackets by the characters to comment on their own thoughts was hilarious.(I may or may not use this to do the same).There wasn’t a lot of world building but still I loved this book. And thank god all their previous adventures were defined so nicely in a single book and we didn't had to read 7 books (if you know what I mean