A review by ipross
Under The Kissing Bough by Meara Platt, Catherine Kean, Sandy Blair, Anna Campbell, Elizabeth Rose, Joan Kayse, Suzanne Ferrell, Lana Williams, Jeanne Adams, Jordon K. Rose, Barbara Devlin, Kathryn Le Veque, Tina DeSalvo, Anna Markland, Hildie McQueen


Books like this is the reason I love picking up anthologies. Upon picking it up I was familiar with a few of authors and a fan of maybe two or three of the authors. The rest were unknown to me. Halfway through the anthology I had new authors added to my tbr.

Stand out among them is Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me by Barbara Devlin. A story about abuse, regret, and second chances, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me will take you on an emotional ride you won't soon forget. Readers familiar with Devlin's Brethren series will be happy to see a few familiar characters here doing what they do best... playing matchmakers and acting like overgrown children.

Betrothed since birth, Nicolas and Almira believed they would be together forever. Their young love could not be denied. Until their engagement was unscrupulously broken and she is given to a much older, evil man instead. For years Mira suffered at the hands of this monster until she was finally free. But can she ever be truely free of the evil that surrounded her for so many years? Or will the repricussions follow her for the rest of her life and ruin her last chance at happiness with the one man she has ever really loved? These are the things that played over in my head as I was reading. Nicholas went from the sweet, playful young man to the broken, callous jerk that no one in polite society would associate with, then apparently back to the sweet guy we got a glimpse at in the beginning. I so wanted things to work out between these two characters. And if ever they stood a chance, the Brethren and the Brethren wives had to get involved. I absolutely love reading about these characters. Their quirky sense of humor, their abiding love for family, friends, and each other makes every story a joy to read. Mira and Nicholas were a wonderful addition the the Brethren family and I hope to see glimpses of them in future Brethren books.