A review by jaimejustreadsromance
Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills


3.5 Stars
Jaime's Review
I feel like I'll be in the minority here but this story was just okay for me. I enjoyed the premise of the story and the characters were likeable but I just never fully connected to them.

Declan was sexy as fuck and the way he wanted to protect and heal Elizabeth's heart was so sweet and swoon worthy. He really made the story for me. I just feel like I never fully got to know him on a deeper level. It was the same for Elizabeth. I liked her and felt for her because of what happened to her but I think that I never fully understood or believed her hatred for violence and struggle with how easily she seemed to accept it after she was so against it for so long.

In the same way that I felt like I could've known more about Elizabeth and Declan on a deeper level, there were parts of the story that felt unnecessary to me. I can understand the friendship between Blake and Elizabeth but I don't think that it was crucial to the story or had a big impact on the story. I can see where it could have and maybe was even meant to, but it fell short for me. I don't normally wish for more drama in books but I sort of wish that this one had prolonged it.

This is my first time reading this author, although I own all of her other books, and I definitely see myself reading more from her. I'm actually really hoping for Dax's story because, strangely, I connected with him more than anyone else in this book.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review