A review by mckinlay
Fresh Ink by Lamar Giles


*i received a DRC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher.*

Eraser Tattoo by Jason Reynolds: I have read all of Jason's books and I don't think he's ever written a strict love story before and now i NEED a full length love story from him!... 5 stars

Meet Cute by Malinda Lo: So cute and nerdy! The middle kinda dragged for me, but all in all i loved it!... 4 stars

Don't Pass Me By by Eric Gansworth: This is a story about an American Indian boy letting himself feel empowered with his heritage, which is awesome, but also low-key boring... 3 stars.

Be Cool For Once by Aminah Mae Safi: This had the makings of what could be a really cute novel, but a very confusing short story. It was so rushed, I didn't really understand what was going on! 2.5 stars

Tags by Walter Dean Meyers: This is a one act play that I'm betting would be incredible to see performed! It's very sad though... 3.5 stars.

Why I Learned To Cook by Sara Farizan: Possibly my favorite? But i've loved both of Sara's books so I'm not surprised. An incredibly adorable f/f story. It was cute and sweet and i adored Yasi's grandma!... 5 stars.

A Stranger at the Bochinche by Daniel Jose Older: I was really bored and confused and couldn't finish this one... dnf

A Boy's Duty by Sharon G. Flake: Sweet and sad, but I liked it... 4 stars...

One Voice by Melissa de la Cruz: I skipped this one because it's a Something In Between story and i hated that book.

Paladin/Samurai by Gene Luen Yang, illustrated by Thien Phan: It seemed pretty pointless but the art was cute... 2 stars.

Catch, Pulle, Drive by Schyuler Bailar: This is about a trans boy who publicly comes out and it's his first practice with the boys. Ramon is an effing douche bag who I wanted to climb into the story and punch... also the Coach. Other than that it was sweet and uplifting and I'd love a whole novel from him... 5 stars.

Super Human by Nicola Yoon: Surprisingly moving story about race in America... 5 stars.