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Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey

This is the most repetitive book I’ve ever read (listened to), so the audiobook helped a lot and I got to hear the author’s work in her own voice. Also the writing style was super religious, not in the sense that the author is religious herself (which is also true), but in the same manner that how language is used in relation to religious purposes, for instance the usage of certain words, a certain sentence structure, and of course the same repetitiveNESS!

It’s great that this book was written with black Americans in mind, I’m all for making the dominant group read/watch/listen to stuff that weren’t created for them just as how marginalised ppl were implicitly forced to comprehend, relate to, and empathise with white and cishet media. Though I don’t know if that’s a little distancing for black Africans?

I found money in the hardcover copy, it was super fun theorising how it ended up here, so that’s pretty rad. (April 2024 edit: now I think putting money in library books is a pretty good way to ‘give back to community’.)