A review by alexan13
An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson


3.5/5 stars

My night summed up: Twitter: Hey, you can read this book for free today only.
Me, knowing perfectly well I have finals next week: OBVIOUSLY

So, while I did not study I did read and thoroughly enjoy this book! I probably would have liked it more if I hadn't been rushing through it but that being said, there were parts of this book I really liked and parts that really didn't work for me.

What I liked: Isobel and Rook! All of their interactions! I want to read approximately 50 AU fanfictions about their relationship right now so someone get on that and write those for me! That being said, Isobel and Rook in a slow burn romance would have been everything I ever wanted but wasn't in this book. So if you don't like instalove elements, you might be turned off by the romance. This element did bother me, but I loved the characters' interactions too much to really care.

Also! The fae in this book! The worldbuilding! This was a faerie world I loved to read about and could totally believe -- creepy and ultimately not-quite-right. I would love to spend another book exploring it. It was one of the more imaginative takes I have read recently as well. And the lyrical language in this book was perfectly suited to the eerie atmosphere of the courts. I wish I could have read this book slower to enjoy it more.

What didn't work for me: I already talked about the instalove element. And while I already said it didn't ruin the relationship for me, it did cheapen the romance a bit.
I also wasn't as invested in the plot as I wanted to be, but this may have been a product of my speed-reading more than a fault in the plot itself. Still, the plot had problems with pacing and as a result I never felt that the stakes were particularly high.

A general conclusion I've drawn from this reading experience is that no matter how much I want to love faerie books, and no matter how enthralled I was with faeries as a child, YA fae books don't seem to be working for me as well as I expect them to. But though this wasn't the perfect book for me, I did enjoy it and it was a lovely -- if creepy -- escape from the reality of finals. And my quest for faerie content I click with will continue.