A review by erinarkin20
The Brass Queen by Elizabeth Chatsworth


I enjoyed this book but there were times that I felt like the story dragged a bit. I thought the characters were interesting and the story itself, kept me engaged. Constance is smart and opinionated and not afraid to do whatever she wants to do. Trusdale is American and a spy who gets dragged into Constance's world and even though she could bulldoze over just about anyone, he isn't afraid to challenge her. I really liked them together and thought Chatsworth did a great job of developing them separately as well as together.

There is plenty of action right alongside danger and interesting inventions so if you like the steampunk genre, you might enjoy this book. I'll be looking for more from Elizabeth Chatsworth in the future!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the early copy in exchange for an honest review.