A review by louandlife
An Incurable Case of Love, Vol. 1 by Maki Enjōji


Trigger warnings for this book: sexual assault, death, grief, suicide

I don't remember where I first saw this manga and added it to my want to read list, but it was one of those additions where I added the book then completely forget about it. Then it started to pop up on a few places online for me, and when I went gift shopping with my boyfriend, I ended up getting him to buy it for me for our anniversary because I knew that it was a book that I was interested in. I'm really glad that I did now because it reminds me, in a really positive way, my favourite manga series of all time, Itazura Na Kiss. I'm also really happy that I got volume 2 because I will be reading that tomorrow on the way to work.

I think that the story set up is like an average romance manga but then it deepens into something greater and I really loved it once Sakura started to get to know the real Tendo and forget the romantic ideal of him she created for the last 5 years. The story also deals with some serious topics in a really healthy way, and the ending even made me emotional and cry.

The only criticism that I have about this story is that I think that the kiss should have been in a different scene because it took away from the emotional impact of the previous scenes. I was literally in the middle of crying then I stopped abruptly because of the kiss. I felt like it was bad timing and emotionally manipulative of the character to do that, but then he admits to this, and Sakura accepts this, so I still don't know how I feel about this.

Overall, I really enjoyed this manga and I can't wait to read the next one. I'll be really sad once I've finished that book though as then I would have to wait months for the next one to come out...