A review by tianaosuoha
Descendants of the First by Reni K. Amayo


Although Naala and Sinai kept fainting at the slightest provocation, this book was a good read. However, some concepts were not explained properly.

In my opinion, I think the job of an author is not just to narrate a story. She needs to also drop hints at different points of the story. A reader finds the story more enjoyable when they can connect dots. I find this concept really lacking in this story.

Ina, Madi and even Eni were descendants of the firsts, but how come they showed no traits before then. At least there should have been some display of power even by mistake, so that it can all make sense to the reader.

Giving it 4 stars. I enjoyed it for the most part. And I look forward to reading the third book.❤