A review by lefthandedmatt
Hollow Men by Una McCormack


This intriguing tale takes place almost directly after the infamous DS9 episode 'In The Pale Moonlight', and deals with the aftermath. Despite being written many years later, it fits in perfectly with the show's storylines at that point.

While the story could perhaps be accused of being a bit slow, it's an extremely enticing read. What struck me most of all is how well the author captured the characters; it's easy to imagine every line of dialogue being delivered by the cast of the show, and the depictions are all very true to the characters on the show.

It's a very internal story, dealing largely with Sisko's state of mind as he comes to terms with what he did in the the episode the story is based around. I found the ending to be a bit of a let down with a few too many unexplained things and a lack of genuine closure, but I found myself engrossed all along the way. I also kind of appreciate that the book allows you to piece things together yourself rather than explaining.

I'm really looking forward to reading the other stories by this author, especially if they feature Garak.