A review by kayleigh_kbooks
Storm by Amanda Sun


Storm Review on K-Books

Storm is a book that has been on my TBR for so long. I read the first two books years ago and really enjoyed them and for some reason just never got around to reading the final book. One of my reading challenges for 2019 is to complete some of my ongoing series so I picked this one up as part of it. I really wish I could say that I loved Storm as much as I did the other books... but I just didn't. I can't really pinpoint anything specific that stopped me loving this book, I just didn't enjoy it quite as much as the others.

Storm is an enjoyable read and I am so happy that I finally picked it up and experienced the ending of this utterly unique and magical series. Storm picks up where Rain left off with Katie and Tomo trying desperately to control the ancient magic that is consuming them both. One thing I enjoyed about this book was that is delved a little more into the history of the powers and I found that really intriguing and interesting. I do genuinely love the mythology base of this series and I love the characters as well. It actually is quite an addictive storyline.

I really did enjoy Storm but for me, the pacing was a little off. There were times within this book where I couldn't read fast enough. I was so consumed by this story and couldn't wait to see what was going to happen... but then the pacing would slow down majorly and at times I lose interest. These two extreme feelings happened often, just as I'd be dying to read more, the pace would slow and I would be bored. It seemed that the further that I got into the book, the more my mind was wandering and I just didn't wanna continue. I almost DNF'd this one but I forced myself through my struggle due to my love of the mythology and characters.

I am so glad I pushed through as I really enjoyed the ending. It was a really satisfying ending for the characters but honestly, I feel like this book could have been half the size that it was. Paper Gods was a great series, and I am so glad that I read it. Am I likely to re-read it? Probably not but that's okay. We can't love and want to re-read every book series, otherwise I'd never be reading new ones. I did enjoy Storm but compared to the previous books, I just felt like something was missing. If you're a fan of mythology based books, I definitely recommend this one but if you're loving fast-paced books, the third one may be a struggle.