A review by anywiebs
#AskGaryVee: 437 Questions & Answers on the Current State of Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Monetization, Media, Platforms, Content, Influencer Marketing, Investing, Leadership, Legacy, Culture, Crushing, Thanking, Jabbing, Right Hooking, Carin... by


What a surprise read. For someone who hadn't heard of Gary Vaynerchuck apart from an appearance on "30 Days of Genius" I was utterly impressed by the audiobook. It was a combination of the topics discussed, the enthusiasm and authenticity of the author/narrator and also the context he provided. I recommend listening to the audiobook, since he changed some of the answers to the show and book, but also because I could things into a much better context hearing him answer himself than just reading the answers with my own voice in my head - if that makes sense.
Contentwise a lot of topics are covered, he gives his honest opinion and experience (at least it felt like that) on questions to various fields of business, social media and life in general. I especially liked how he wasn't sugarcoating things and said when questions rubbed him the wrong way, or pissed him off, as he says.
I can only recommend listening to this, even if you are not interested in becoming an entrepreneur or making it big (like me). This book will get you thinking about things and reflect on what you are doing, and that is never a bad thing in my opinion.