A review by pretty_little_bibliophile
I Must Belong Somewhere: Poetry and Prose by Dawn Lanuza


I read another one of Lanuza's works THE LAST TIME I'LL WRITE ABOUT YOU, early in 2020 and I quite liked it. Although it did not leave a lasting impression on me, that collection was pretty likeable.
So when I saw that I MUST BELONG SOMEWHERE was available to read, I jumped at the opportunity - to see what turn Lanuza's writing had taken. Needless to say, I was quite impressed. I think I MUST BELONG SOMEWHERE was a wonderful improvement on the previous book and I was in love. The words were simply magic and really touching. The prose works were also very powerful - especially the women-centric ones. The overall tone was very nostalgia-induced and I for one was all for it! I think this one was a must-read! do check it out!