A review by northern_mint
RASL, Vol. 2: The Fire of St. George by Jeff Smith


The hero-worship of Tesla is hard to take. It may have been easier back when this was first written, but even then it's not like this was an original idea. I get why it's done. Tesla was a cool guy but it's lazy. And the amount time spent on Tesla is just wasteful. The comic isn't long and this is a large exposition dump that only serves to explain that Tesla was a big deal. So, the real purpose for the inclusion of Tesla is to make the fanboys happy and not to elevate the story.

I should mention there's not much art theft in this one because I was right with my first review. Our protagonist is an art thief in the same way he's an alcoholic. Sure, he is that but it's hardly the most significant part of his character. He's a genius scientist who created technology to travel between parallel universes and is being hunted by a PMC. The art theft is inconsequential.

Now our protagonist is seeing the parallel version of both of his dead girlfriends. The prostitute doesn't really add much to the story. I assume the BFF's wife will eventually be significant. They both come across as props to show off how much of a ladies' man this pathetic loser of a main character is. Well, despite his inexplicable success with women, I still hate him. This volume only confirmed what the last volume seemed to suggest: this is an uninteresting story.