A review by beastreader
Deep Water by Christine Poulson


Sadly, this is another book where looks can be deceiving. I thought from the book cover and the fact that I have read a few other books about clinical trials and experiments that this book would drawn me instantly. I admit that in the beginning it did. The story did stay interesting for a while about a third of the way in. After that, my interest was wavering but I was committed to this book. It was a slow tug to bring me back. I never truly got there.

What I felt this book suffered from was a lack of complexity from the characters. Most of the voices were muddied by the lack of hype in the story and their voices were not strong. In an effort to rush this story along, I jumped ahead to the last few chapters. This is where the story did seem to pick up again. Yet, when I read the ending, I really had no reactions.