A review by haleyscomet13
Death and Immortality by Josef Pieper


3.5 / 5

This book was a bit different of a read for me than normal for a variety of reasons. Namely, I tend to focus my reading on fiction (aside from the occasional memoir). Not only that, but the sole principle of this piece was to analyze and pin point what it is that could be awaiting us once we meet death and how to feel at ease with that (especially from a Christian perspective). This is a topic I’m entirely uncomfortable with facing 9 times out of 10, so I really had to force myself to focus on the content and absorb it.

I would say this book is a decent recommendation for anyone struggling with the potential uncertainty of the afterlife. For those seeking reassurance from a Christian perspective, with many arguments and rebuttals refuted and one sole claim laid out. Having a tiny bit of a background in philosophy would certainly help the read go more smooth, but other than that it is a pretty run of the mill text.

The author seemed to, to an extent, still be working out the answer in his head at times, which was hard for someone like me who was hoping for more of a firm opinion and strong stance. He certainly still has a claim he is arguing for, but there are times in the piece where it’s not the strongest.

The only other issue I have with this piece is that there were a good chunk of grammar and spelling errors. Not the biggest deal in the world, but it’s still important to take note of!