A review by chulaisreadingromance
Verses of Us by Mimi Flood



Well, that was quite a roller coaster ride! This book is what my teenage dreams were made of! The nostalgia mixed with the avalanche of emotions of this story made it one heck of a read! It was steamy, angsty, emotional and utterly romantic. Just what I hope it was going to be.

Alexis and Ciaran made my heart race a thousand beats per minute the entire time. They had a very natural and explosive chemistry from the start and the way they quickly fell for each other without even knowing was to die for! The phrase "so right for each other, never the right time" is the best description for what they had going on.

I loved the confidence, strength and overall badassery of Alexis! She didn't take shit from anyone (especially not Ciaran). I loved how she had the guts to walk away when she needed it, even if it killed her inside.

Ciaran was such a troubled and hurt man in need of fresh air. He frustrated me so many times, but I understood why he acted the way he did. I loved his POV so much, I was able to feel his anguish and pain. He loved hard but didn't feel worthy of the same love he was giving away. I loved his growth in the story and how he managed to redeem himself and win Alexis heart. He deserved every good thing.

"Alexis had come into his life like a song─ the tune and the words, disjointed, but ultimately stitching together harmoniously."

I felt everything with them. The longing, the hurt, the passion for each other and the lifetime of waiting just for the right timing. Mimi's beautiful writing was so engaging and touching that made my heart flutter with every single moment they shared together. I sighed dreamily, squealed and and rooted for their well deserved happy ending.

Huge thanks to Mimi Flood for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Well done, my friend! What a beautiful story!