A review by thegeekybibliophile
The Secret Letter by Debbie Rix


The gorgeous cover and intriguing title alone pretty much had me sold on reading this book, but the blurb sealed the deal. I seem to be especially drawn to historical novels about WWII lately. What appealed to me most about this novel is that the two main characters are on opposing sides of the war. Imogen is British, Magda is German, and each are expected to do their patriotic duty.

Imogen was evacuated to the Lake District in the early days of the war, safely away from the cities the Germans were bombing. She eventually joins the WRENS where she works on Top Secret projects for the war effort. Magda despises Nazi ideals, and secretly joins the White Rose movement after befriending Sophie Scholl at the University of Munich. Magda is determined to do what is right at all times, despite the risk of discovery—leading to a decision that affects the lives of both women.

This was a fast read for me. It pulled me in right from the start, and I just couldn't put it down. Both Imogen and Magda fascinated me, but it was Magda's part of the story that had me frantically tapping the screen. She was constantly dealing with a threat of some sort or another, and had a few close calls that left me feeling terrified for her. Imogen's part of the story didn't leave me with an impending sense of doom all the time, but the difficulties she faced touched my heart, and I just wanted her to be happy.

I found this novel to be beautifully written, and I was a little sad to reach the end. This is the first time I've read a book written by Debbie Rix, and I'm wondering why it took me so long to 'discover' her books. I can't wait to read more from this author!

I received an advance reading copy of this book courtesy of Bookouture via Netgalley.