A review by jasmyn9
Heaven and Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro


Emma Jane's life is not going as she planned. As a half angel - half human warrior fighting against the Fallen Angels and their demons she's used to surprises and sudden excitement. But this time when her angel, Eli, pops in with a report, even she is blown away. Someone has killed and angel and saying heaven is pissed off would be the understatement of the year.

A lot happens in this book and sometimes it was a bit difficult to keep it all straight. I felt exhausted on Emma's behalf with all the running around and fighting. Of course she's not only fighting against the Fallen, but against her own forbidden urges to fall for her angel, Eli. Tons and tons of twists and turns throughout kept the book interesting and I was never sure what was going to happen next.

While it would have been nice to slow things down just a tiny bit, I still enjoyed the wild and crazy ride this book takes. Just be prepared to find a hard time finding a place to stop if you're reading past your bedtime.
- See more at: http://hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/2013/08/review-heaven-and-hellsbane-by-paige.html#sthash.NhY4g7kZ.dpuf