A review by mezzosherri
Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?: And Other Questions You Should Have Answers to When You Work in the White House by Lauren Oyler, Alyssa Mastromonaco


Since I've never read Mindy Kaling's book, I can't comment on those comparisons. On its own regards, though, I found Mastromonaco's memoir to be funny, inspiring, and moving.

I guess I understand how the more delicate-natured readers might find the stories about IBS and periods a bit much. I, however, was never the delicate type, and I very much enjoyed Mastromonaco's willingness to subvert and demystify any fantasies readers might be holding about the glamorous nature of White House service. And it was so nice to remember a time when our president aspired towards and was able to exemplify common human decency.

Full review: https://anotherchange.net/2019/01/14/who-thought-this-was-a-good-idea-by-alyssa-mastromonaco/