A review by ashykhaira
Delirium Stories: Hana, Annabel, Raven and Alex by Lauren Oliver


this book contains the viewpoints of annabel who is lena's mother.How she first met lena's father and how she lost him to cancer.her life,how she was in the crypts.her memories.and finally her escape from the crypts with the help of thomas,a sympathizer who helped snuggle in extra linens and pillow cases for her to create a rope to escape

a viewpoint of alex,of how he first met lena.how he fell in love with her.the memory of his past.his capture into the crypts when he tried to run away with lena and his eventual release by the rioters,who were part of the resistance party.

of hana and how she herself fell in love but started to hate the guy when she realized how he was just using her.Of how she betrayed lena out of pure jealousy when she found out about lena and alex.her story

and finally about raven.how she met tack,how she found blue and what she did to keep blue alive.her relationship with tack.and finally discovering she was pregnant with tack's child on the day they save julian