A review by greymalkin
Bookburners: The Complete Season 1 by Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Brian Francis Slattery


Enjoyable read generally, though I definitely liked some authors more than others. There's something about Max Gladstone's writing that I love. The way his characters think and speak, the pacing of the plots, it makes sense to my brain.

I adore Grace (even before her backstory episode which made her even more awesome) and Menchu and I was surprised to find I really liked Sal.

I'm mostly indifferent to Liam, I want to like him more because I have a fondness for hackers, but he's so whiny and judgmental that he's hard to really connect to.

I really dislike Asanti. Her character always felt the most variable from author to author and yet I disliked every version of her. She would be talked up as this researcher and archivist and yet she'd be so terrible at both things. She was called "the glue that held the team together" and yet no one seemed to really like or understand her, and she was distant and weird to the team members. She was old and experienced and yet she'd make really shortsighted mistakes.

The Monster of the Week stuff was still pretty fun, especially as it was clear it was ramping up for a showdown. I'm pleased that the Mr. Norse stuff was not the main event, and I felt that the ending was satisfying.

I'm really astonished at how well the whole thing hung together being coordinated with four authors. Not an easy feat and they did a fantastic job.