A review by wordsandfiction
L.A. Metro by R.J. Nolan


To be honest, I read this book years ago, but I couldn't remember the whole plot 100%. So I picked it up and reread it.

The story takes place in LA Metro Hospital. More specifically, in an emergency room. The main characters are the head of the ER, Dr Jess McKenna, and the psychiatrist, Dr Kim Donovan. There were always problems between the ER and the psychiatrist's department for a long time. That changed when Kim started at the LA Metro Hospital. Jess was pleasantly surprised, as she had only ever had negative experiences with their hospital psychiatrists before. Also, they, Jess and Kim, hit it off right away and built up a friendship.

At first, I had trouble getting into Jess's character, but that changed after she gradually revealed more of herself. In the end, her behaviour made sense once you knew her past. Kim is her polar opposite and, unlike Jess, is an entirely open and friendly person.

I love hospital stories because I live for the drama there. ;-)

That said, this book has two points that bothered me:

First: I was a bit annoyed by the inner dialogues because they were just too over the top for me.

Second: In the last third, a trauma is revealed. And honestly, that was a bit too detailed for me. I realise that it's essential to tell stories like this, but honestly, it triggered me.

Apart from these two points, it is a beautiful story with fascinating primary and secondary characters.

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