A review by pkadams
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke


Every page is dense and packed with layers of information, and all of it is important. Do not think this book is an introduction. Making it even more challenging is the lack of accessibility; the author did not write an accessible text with full explanations. (He never stays at one level. He is happy to dive into the weeds and assumes prior programming knowledge after introducing a concept at a rudimentary level and not really explaining the nuances of the concept necessary to understand the scope of the topic.)

However, everything he writes is important and worth taking the time to understand. Using it as an outline of what you need to know is a great way to get the maximum utility out of this book. I found it slow going, required great perseverance, and eventually found supplementing it with other sources maximized my learning. It is an important book and I haven't found another one that covers the breadth of the language as well.