A review by breakfastgrey
The First Rule of Punk by Celia C. Pérez


Despite a story about living a punk rock lifestyle, this book isn't really all that punk at all. That's not me playing gatekeeper and playing into old tropes of what is or isn't punk (a game I was tired of before even the end of high school), but rather commentary on the fact that the book is comfort food safe. It's a good read, but it isn't subversive in any way. It follows the plot of every middle grade realistic fiction book ever: new kid comes to town, mean kid is mean cause new kid is unique, new kid finds other unique friends, everyone recognizes their uniqueness is awesome. There's nothing wrong with a comfortable read, particularly when it is heartwarming and filled with loveable characters, but I was really hoping for something a little more punk rock in its execution. It's a great tune, even if it is a cover song.