A review by rellimreads
Good Boy by Elle Kennedy, Sarina Bowen


Good Boy is the first book in the WAGs series by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy. This is a spinoff from the Him series and chronologically falls almost immediately after the end of Us. While you could enjoy this book &/or the series on it’s own – Blake & Jess are introduced in Us and having listened to that first adds to Good Boy. As such, this review may contain spoilers of events from Him/Us.

Look, I absolutely loved Him & Us (and Epic too!) #Wesmie is awesome. But they wouldn’t even have the name Wesmie without Blake Riley. Kennedy and Bowen have given Blake the perfect compliment in Jess Canning. However, it’s a winding road for these two to move from friends-with-benefits to finding their own HEA.

Blake may have superficially appeared to be a goofy & carefree character but he turns out to be multi-layered and carrying pain no one knows about. I adore Jess. That she desperately wants to love what she does for a living but struggles to find the right fit despite giving all her effort. I like that she keeps Blake on his toes and plays his hilarious verbal sparring.

While this does have it's serious moments, I spent the majority of the audio ridiculously laughing out loud. I have listened to this so many times and continue to adore it every time.

Tanya Eby & Teddy Hamilton are terrific here. It’s always great when you love the way that both narrators do all the voices. Blake has such a gregarious and unique personality and I truly enjoy Eby & Hamilton’s versions of him. This dual narration makes Blake Riley smiley.