A review by oneanjana
Valley of Terror by Zhou Haohui


Valley of Terror is a mystery novel with a little touch of horror and based on the historical stories of Li Dingguo and his so-called demonic powers. The story begins with bizarre deaths of some people in Longzhou, but the similarity is that they all died because of acute fear. Later, Chief Inspector Luo, investigates the case along with Professor Zhou—a psychological scientist, and Yue Dongbei—a scholar with avid interest in Li Dingguo and his demonic power. Their investigation eventually leading them to the Valley of Terror. They set out with purpose to research the origins of the disease, but then they’re even more involved in confusing tribal conflicts.

The book has been consistently thrilling from beginning to end. It's so gripping and fast-paced (even though the progress is slow). Maybe at the beginning I was wondering where this book was directed? Will it eventually lead to scientific explanation, or perhaps more on the superstitious side? So, it was almost impossible for me to thinking about a possible villain. During my reading, there was just me leisurely following their adventures and enjoying every single historical story which was poured here and there along the story. Perhaps some people could get bored with the historical story because I also think the portion for it was plentiful. But personally, for me, who grew up playing video games like Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors, reading every war and historical story make me imagine it as in the video games. He-he.

Some minus points that disturb me were the sudden POV turn, as well as the few scenes where Luo didn’t get involved (like side-stories) but then repeated as if it didn't exist before.

I think I also need to give praise for the translator. Bonnie Huie did a great job translating because occasionally I found translated books lost its dynamic. But, this translation got that dynamic, and I can follow the story very well.