A review by nataliesboooks
Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould


A suspicious murder set in Venice - I was pulled in at first. However, I found the "love story" to be tiresome. For example, one character is asking the male love interest why he loves the main character Laura. His response?

"She's the most beautiful woman in Venice."

Really??? Superficial much??

Also, they barely spoke and then they were in love. I wasn't feeling it.

Laura was foolishly naive and did not learn and grow throughout the novel. Her father was an annoying alcoholic social climber. I didn't like him at all. The women of the secret society seemed like nothing more than gossips. I didn't see their "power." Laura's best friend seemed superficial. So you can see, I didn't really care for anyone.

Also - I found the story to be too short. Everything was wrapped up so quickly which made me feel like the "problems" of the novel weren't really problems at all.

Again, I read this because it set in Venice and I love Venice, but I was seriously underwhelmed by it.