A review by drewsof
The Making of Zombie Wars by Aleksandar Hemon


4.5 out of 5. Hemon is having a ball here and it's evident on nearly every page. People keep talking about how "unexpected" the humor is - but even if you go in now expecting it, you'll still laugh. There is a glee to the writing, a glee the author quite clearly felt, that makes it that much more fun for the reader. It might not be a life-changing novel or story about a serious topic - but not all novels need to be. Quote-unquote "serious" authors ought to follow Hemon's lead and have a little fun now and then. As he proves, you can still write something heartfelt and thoughtful while making people laugh. I almost feel a little spoiled that this was my first of his novels.

More at RB next week: http://ragingbiblioholism.com/2015/04/13/the-making-of-zombie-wars/