A review by mellhay
Damaged: A Zara Lain Novella by Skyla Dawn Cameron


Zara Lain is on her way back! Love her snark. Great little story with some great horror movie plays to make this fun.

Zara can't get into her stomping grounds, Alchemy Red, with her best friend - Rodney Ballsgalore, her sabortooth cat. Talked into getting out of her apartment for a relaxing vacation, Zara decides to go to a cabin on acreage she owns. Zara doesn't want bothered, but a screaming girl knocking at her door and kids that don't know what they are messing with, might be what Zara needs to help shaker her out of her current state. Zara gets to help save the remaining teens and hunt demons they stupidly summoned...or was it stupidity?

Zara is broken. You can see the difference in her right away with the way she interacts with Rodney and her friends. Things are all out of whack for Zara, emotionally after the incidents of Exhumed along with no work and her money is running out. I love Peri! She says it like it is with Zara and what others are thinking but won't say. Peri does not fear Zara's wrath at all, she actually seems to embrace it. ;)

Zara is...well, Zara. I love her when she doesn't care for strangers. Even in the state she's in she makes me smile with her...bluntness. Zara is working to be, or find, herself again. Nightmares from Exhumed haunter her and Zara's not sleeping well. She's feeling weaker and lonelier than she's ever felt, almost like when she was human.

I WANT A RODNEY BALLSGALORE!!! lol. He is a perfect pet for Zara.

I loved the plays on movies here. Horror movies make this so fun. No, this is not a horror story. It's not spooky. It's Urban Fantasy, with a play on horror movies. It's cool, and you'll pick up the movies if you've watched horror.

Can you read this one without the series? You could. BUT! there are a few things that come into play here you will not know. There is a "person" that Zara sees that you won't realize who she is and the connection of her. You won't know why Zara is in the state she's in. But the story of what happens at the cabin is a complete story. It might make you curious about what's happened with Zara and all the other characters you learn of in her life. Go ahead and try it. Zara's not at her top snarky shape yet, but you'll still enjoy her. Maybe she'll ease you into reading her in the first novel, Bloodlines, and meeting all the friends in those that follow.

You love Urban Fantasy? This is a must read series. You are missing out on snark, kick butt action, and love (of growing friends and more) if you do. Shame to miss it all.