A review by margeryb
Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove by


Full disclosure, this is an anthology that I have a story featured in. However, I am evulating here the book as a whole.

Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove was an interesting project to write for and more interesting project to read. It is a collection of flash fiction and shorter short stories all taking place in the shared setting of Hotel Stormcove and its grounds some point during its history, whether past, present, or way in the future. Each story is a snapshot, just five minutes, and while all those parameters might make it sound limiting, it was amazing to read the variety and imagination of over 50 authors spin that in so many different directions, genres, themes, and tones. But at the same time, I agree with the editors in her opening remarks, that through these stories the Hotel Stormcove became a character in of itself, like many a great setting can become, like Hogwarts or the Tardis.

With fantasy, history, ghost stories, scifiction, twilight zone weirdness, romance, coming of age, humor and so much more all up against each other, Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove is a place where life has happened and where anything can happen. As the stories are so short, it is easy to pick this book up in little clunks and longer reads, and if one story is not to your taste, another is just a page away.