A review by whatannikareads
Lolas' House: Filipino Women Living with War by M. Evelina Galang


A tough read to get through but an important one. I thought it was just going to be testimonies of the 16 women who were raped by Japanese soldiers during WWII, but I like that Galang also gave the context of collecting these stories. It bounces between different years of the process of creating this book, and so we get breathers between the heavy information that the lolas provide. It's important that we read stories like this in order to keep these lolas' message alive although many have passed. A really powerful book that will have you stressed on how the governments have poorly handled the situation. If I could have a quarter of the strength these lolas have had to not only experience that, but continue their lives and then retell the story to educate others, I think I would be a better person.