A review by purrfectpages
Boo by Neil Smith


Okay, I'll admit it. I picked this book because it had an October-esque title and I'm a dork who likes to theme my reading sometimes. So what of it? This book wasn't really spooky at all, although it did involve life in the afterlife. Kind of, sort of.

This is the story of Oliver "Boo" Dalrymple who wakes up one day to find that he is actually dead. If that sentence sounds confusing, don't worry, I'll explain. See, on Earth, Boo has passed, but now he's in heaven, or really a purgatory of sorts. It turns out in the afterlife, you are grouped with people who are of the same age as you when he died. So Boo is in a thirteen year old heaven where no one ever ages in body, only in spirit. That is, of course, until they hit the ripe old age of 50. Then they move on to another unknown.

Boo was always a loner on Earth, so he pretty much plans to settle in for more of the same. Imagine his surprise when he discovers how he died and even sees a fellow classmate is in his midst. Together, they work to avenge their deaths, but not all is as perfect as it seems, even in the ever after.

I found myself rather ambivalent while reading Boo. I liked the premise and even the execution. I even enjoyed the end. It's the parts in the middle that I found myself muddling through a bit. And without giving anything away I predicted the twist, so perhaps that's why I wasn't as taken with this book as I thought it might be.